Deafblindness must be recognized as a specific disability

Together with the socialist MEPs Alicia Homs (member of the Employment Commission) and Mónica Silvana Gónzalez (member of the Development Commission), I call on the European Commission to develop a legislative initiative that recognises deafblindness as a unique disability.
In a written question addressed to the European Commission, we have also demanded that legal recognition of sign language, adapted sign language and other specific communication systems be guaranteed. We also claim that the interpretation for deafblind people be recognised as an essential requirement not only for them to enjoy full inclusion in society, but also to guarantee their equal access to employment, education, training and free movement within the EU.
The letter also notes that Articles 21 and 26 of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights explicitly prohibit discrimination on the grounds of disability and provide for the equal participation of persons with disabilities in society. However, unfortunately, the vast majority of deafblind people still face numerous obstacles in their daily lives that prevent them from reaching that full inclusion.

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